Tools and Applications
In the following, I provide a list of tools and applications that I have developed during my years of research activities:
- APRS messages as Linked Open Data -- (service, APRS vocabulary)
- fashion ontology -- (Clothing Product Information Ontology)
- Hartmann von Aue ontology and data sets -- (HvA Ontology, Der arme Heinrich, Context Dictionary)
- GoodRelations notification service (GR-Notify v2) -- (service)
- Incremental product search engine over Semantic Web data -- (demo)
- Currency exchange rate service for Linked Data -- (service, source code)
- Ontology for currency exchange rates -- (XRO Exchange Rate Ontology)
- RDFLib serializer plug-ins for RDFa -- (source code) and Microdata -- (source code)
- RDF Translator -- (service, source code)
- GoodRelations Crawler -- (project page)
- SPARQL/N3 syntax highlighter for GeSHi -- (project page)
- GoodRelations landing page and wiki -- (layout customization and programming)
- Wiki of Chair of General Management and E-Business -- (design and customization)
- BMEcat2GoodRelations -- (project page, summary)
- PCS2OWL -- (source code, summary, Web product ontologies)
- Grome - GoodRelations plug-in for Google Chrome -- (project page)
- SpecGen for OWL ontologies -- (demo vocabulary), custom SpecGen for GoodRelations (v1 and v2, vocabulary), custom SpecGen for Data Quality Constraints Library -- (vocabulary).
- GoodRelations extension for Firefox -- (project page)
- Oanda2RDF currency conversion for the Semantic Web -- (service - deprecated in favor of
- GR2RSS customized feed delivery -- (service)
- GR4PHP programming API -- (project page, demo application)
- GoodRelations Snippet Generator -- (service, project page)
- Shop extensions: GoodRelations for osCommerce -- (project page), GoodRelations for VirtueMart/Joomla -- (project page)
- RDF Book Mashup search plug-in for Firefox -- (project page)
- GoodRelations extension for RDF Book Mashup -- (project page, alternative)
In addition, I contributed to many more small prototypes, extensions and demonstrators; namely GRWrapper, Mail2Bitbucket service, an early prototype of a matchmaker, Jarltech converter, Goodrelations theme for Mailman, Rich Snippet analyzer, GoodRelations cockpit, OWLense service, BauDataWeb Live Queries.