Product Classification Standards

Integrating Product Classification Standards into eCl@ss and UNSPSC on the Web of Data

This paper details a novel approach for using product classification standards in Web data markup in Microdata and JSON-LD syntax that does not require the availability of proper Web ontology variants of the underlying standards. Our proposal has already been integrated into the official version of (in use by Google and major search engine operators) and can be readily used for research and business applications.

BauDataWeb: The Austrian Building and Construction Materials Market as Linked Data

This paper describes the technical challenges of a project to expose a major share of the European building and construction materials market on the basis of the GoodRelations Web vocabulary for e-commerce. This allows for the fine-grained search for products, suppliers, and warehouses for any building-related sourcing needs. Because building materials show a very high item specificity, they are very interesting for new types of search. The result of this project is one of the largest and richest public datasets for a well-defined trade sector that is available on the Semantic Web.